210 Hancock Construction Update, 1/2017

9 01 2017

So much to see over at the 210 Hancock site. First, the prefabricated wood wall panels of section “A”, the south wing of the apartment building, are up to the top (fourth) floor, and one gets a pretty good idea of the vertical scale of the building. For the record, roof height will be 46 feet, not counting mechanicals. The second section to the north of it, “B”, was designed by HOLT Architects to be a little closer to the street, so it looks less like one continuous wall, and helps create the impression of separate structures. The first floor of these two subsections, which is framed by metal and wood rather than wood alone, will house the daycare, rental offices and commercial space. Sections “C” and “D” will consist of apartments over the indoor garage, which is currently wrapped in plastic sheeting, and separated from the other two section by a CMU stairwell.

The rental townhouses are fully framed (210 Hancock’s website says window install is expected to start soon), and it appears that Lecesse has start construction on the seven for-sale townhouses – the foundation walls have been excavated and poured. These units have a slab (shallow) foundation, and not having to worry about excavation allows the townhouses to move along at a faster clip. The apartments and rental townhouses should be ready by August, the for-sale townhouses by November. Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS) has a website up for rental applications here and qualified home-owners here.

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3 responses

9 01 2017

It’s great to see some progress on this project, and some much-needed new housing, after the NIMBYs and unfortunate circumstances almost derailed it. Also, I got quite a chuckle out of the random picture of LOTS OF DUCKS in the middle of your photo dump.

10 01 2017
B. C.

Heh, I threw the duck photo in to see if anyone would notice. Kudos.

11 01 2017

Nice pics. (quack-quack)

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