Village Solars Apartments Construction Update, 12/2015

13 12 2015

There’s been a fair amount of progress during the late fall at the Village Solars apartment complex site off of the 1000 Block of Warren Road in the town of Lansing. 12-unit Building “D” is finish up attachment of its exterior facade, which like buildings A-C, looks to be a combination of a wood grain board and earth-toned fiber cement board. Balcony railings and trim still have yet to be attached. I didn’t look inside, but based on the photos, it looks like the wood stud walls are still exposed near the entry doors on the first floor.

Across the future pond, 18-unit Building “G/H” (backstory here) has been framed out and some Tyvek-type sheathing has been attached (the material is labelled “Croft Lumber“, which is a building supply store down in Sayre, PA). Some first floor windows and doors have been fitted, but most of the future windows and doors are still rough openings. The roof trusses are all in place, and workers were installing ZIP system plywood sheathing while these photos were being taken.

11-unit Building “E” has had its foundation poured and is only just beginning framing, with just one standing exterior stud wall.

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